Our 60th anniversary is less than a month away, and we are getting really excited for the celebration. It's hard to believe that St. Patrick's Guild has been open for 60 years! With 20% off all weekend long (Oct 23-26), I think this would be a great opportunity to get some Christmas shopping done early. Avoid the crowds and stress of shopping in December. We have a great selection of Christmas and Advent items in stock now - including beautiful Nativity sets, stocking stuffers, Advent Wreaths, and so much more! Or if it's too soon to be thinking about Christmas, come take a look at our Thanksgiving and Harvest items.
During our 60th anniversary celebration weekend, some of the proceeds from each purchase will go help our friend Mari Plaster. Mari works at our neighboring store La Patisserie, and about a year ago, she was in a terrible accident. After a quiet dinner with family and friends to celebrate her birthday, a man on a high speed chase from the police ran his car into her. The damage was terrible, and she had a get one leg amputated as a result. After undergoing numerous surgeries, with more still to come, her medical costs are too much for her to handle. We want to take this opportunity to help out Mari in any way we can. To read more about Mari and the accident, you can check out this story from the Star Tribune: