I have always been fascinated by the saints, and with All Saints Day coming up on November 1, I have been thinking about some of my favorite saints and learning about new ones. There is a lesson to be learned in the life of each saint, and even the saints that border on the bizarre speak to the rich history of the Catholic Church and can help us learn more about our faith.
St. Anthony has always been one of my family's favorites. He is the patron saint of lost things and saying a quick prayer to him when you lose your keys or can't find your wallet works every time. Try it yourself sometime:
Tony Tony,
look around
something's lost
and must be found
A saint I just learned about is Saint Drogo. Saint Drogo lived a very pious life in the 12th century. He is the patron saint of coffeehouses, and reportedly was able to biolcate - that is physically be in 2 places at once!! A terrible physical deformity he received during a pilgrimage caused him to remove himself from the public, and he spent the last 40 years of his life alone in a cell attached to his church. During this time he lived off barley, water, and the Eucharist and had no contact with the outside community. This makes him the patron saint of unattractive people which just goes to show that there is a patron saint for just about everything!
For more interesting Saints stories, check out Butler's Lives of the Saints. You might be surprised to find how fun and interesting the saints are to read about.